Closing the Gap Between Schools & Communities ? Minilessons
Question 1 How can teachers contribute to close the gap between schools and the community in which they exist? Students' Work TAL 324 O Mini Lesson Plans 1 Jason Donovan Begin with teacher leading warmup Class: Visual Arts Grade: 3 rd Component: Aesthetic and Critical Inquiry Objectives: Begins to engage in meaningful dialogue using descriptive and analytical vocabulary about visual qualities in own artwork and the work of others. Competency: Throughout the critique process, the student uses analytical vocabulary in verbal form to identify, describe, and interpret the elements of art, and analyze the principals of design. Activity: Students will be asked to draw the first thing that comes to mind when they think of Winter. They will also be required to practice drawing in symmetrical form for added difficulty. After 5 minutes, they will be separated into smaller groups to each share their piece and describe what you drew and how it relat...