Closing the Gap Between Schools & Communities ? Minilessons


Question 1

How can teachers contribute to close the gap between schools and the community in which they exist?

Students' Work

TAL 324 O

Mini Lesson Plans


Jason Donovan

Begin with teacher leading warmup


Class: Visual Arts

Grade: 3rd

Component: Aesthetic and Critical Inquiry

Objectives: Begins to engage in meaningful dialogue using descriptive and analytical vocabulary about visual qualities in own artwork and the work of others.

Competency: Throughout the critique process, the student uses analytical vocabulary in verbal form to identify, describe, and interpret the elements of art, and analyze the principals of design.

Activity: Students will be asked to draw the first thing that comes to mind when they think of Winter. They will also be required to practice drawing in symmetrical form for added difficulty. After 5 minutes, they will be separated into smaller groups to each share their piece and describe what you drew and how it relates to Winter. Then we will regroup, and a couple students will share to the class. After, I’ll explain to the students that it’s good to doodle sometimes about what’s around you in your life, to promote creativity and destress.

Assessment: Students would be assessed on their participation in the assignment, and ability to connect their drawings to their idea of what Winter means to them. 


Brianna Dyon

Lesson Plan for Monday, December 6, 2021


Solar System

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I. General Information

  1. Title: Solar System

  2. Theme: Planets in Outer Space

  3. Art Discipline:

  4. Grade: 4th Grade

  5. Teacher: Briana Dyon

  6. Volume: II

  1. Date: December 6, 2021

  2. Component:

    A. Solar System Planets and Galaxy

  3. Objective:

    A. Students will be able to list the planets in order

    B. Understand the differences and characteristics of each planet

  4. Competency:

    A. Students will be able to look at an unlabeled image of all eight planets and be able to identify each without any other information

VI. Plan:

1. Preliminary Discussion

a) Start of the lesson introducing the solar system topic

b) Share and ask questions of pre-existing knowledge of outer space (ex: What solar system we live in)

2. Information video/ song
3. In-depth slideshow of each of the planets

VII. Assessment:

4. Follow-up discussion

a) Asking students what they learned about the planets that new or interesting

5. Group Activity

a) A image of all eight planets will be projected in front of students

b) All students will be tested on their skills and try to figure out which planet is which and the order based on just the image

A. Students were engaged and attentive during class discussions, videos, songs, and activities.

  1. Homework:

    A. Students will reflect on their information given during the lesson and to explain to someone at home what they learned about the planets

  2. Cross-curriculum Standards:

A. This lesson can be interpreted into
1. Comprehensive understanding of the Solar System

B. This lesson promotes comprehension of Earth and our galaxy the Milky Way

X. Differentiation:

1. This lesson supports several aids to different types of learning methods for students

a) The video for visual learners
b) The song for listeners
c) The class discussion for verbal learners

XI. Technology:

A. The technology used in this lesson was the online youtube video and song as well as the informational slideshow

XII. Writing Component:

A. Students will write down and label each of the planets

XIII. Career Skills:

  1. The class discussion promoted communication skills which is needed for students to flourish in the future and in their careers

  2. The quiz helped students test their knowledge and practice mindful interpretation of the information they were taught

  3. This lesson also helped students understand the solar system and the planet they live on


    Jordan Radden 

    Dec 7th 2021

    Teaching assignment

    TAL 324-O


    Lesson Plan

    Warm up

    I want everyone to take about 2-3 minutes and listen to a song that you really like and just destress for a minute. Let the sound that you enjoy just flow through your brain, close your eyes and enjoy the sound of your favorite artist.




    So I want everyone to take about 5-7 minutes and go around your house and find something (any object) or any item that you are passionate about. 


    Assessment: (5minutes)

    Let's split up in breakout rooms and talk about the items you chose and why they are meaningful to you.


    Exit Tix:

    Take a picture of the item and write a couple sentences about the item and post it on the blackboard. 


    My Art

    The piece that I found in my home is an atmos bear doll. It's about two feet tall and the arms and hands move. This piece is simply inspiration for me to go out and excel everyday and appreciate it. This art piece goes up in value every year so I want to do the same thing.


    Jiangke (Eric) Yao


    Class: Elementary: Grade-4

    Component: Appreciate western classical music

    Objective Appreciate and analyze the melodies and beats of classical music. Have an in-depth understanding of classical music Baroque

    Competency: Through the critique process student can enrich the understanding of classical music and improve the appreciation of melody.

    Activity: The students enjoyed the famous works of each musician in turn. And divide into groups for discussion. Discuss the melodic and rhythmic variations of each piece. Feel the change of each syllable.

    Assessment: Each group draws conclusions about the characteristics of Buck's music. And discuss it.


    John Howard

    Abstract Art


    Grade 2

    Volume III Visual Art


    VAD 1.1.1 1.1.2 Aesthetic and Critical Inquiry

    Broadens vocabulary on visual qualities in art and makes hands-

    on work and comparisons among peers.

    Competency D / Student can understand that visual art can be


    Activity: Four letter word written one by one rotating 90 degrees

    each letter and creating abstract art from it.

    Materials Needed: Pen and paper (colors optional).

    Assessment: Exit ticket

    HW: Finish activity

    Cross-curriculum: Business, Art-Business



    TAL 324 G

    Nicole Flores

    Nicole Flores LESSON PLAN

    December 6th, 2021- Locomotor and non locomotor movements.

    Course subject: Dance Volume 3
    Grade level: 9th grade Teacher name: Nicole Flores


    Students will learn the difference between locomotor and non locomotor movements. They will do this by first getting the definitions of each and learning how to do the Macarena, through this we will speak about ways dance can be used as a way to express yourself, exercise, and healthy for the brain. We will also talk about ways we can incorporate dance into our daily routines.


    Component- movement skills and underlying principles
    Objectives- identifies di
    fferent movement quality combinations in various movement phrases Competency- the student can perform a 32 count dance phrase which includes locomotor and nonlocotmotor movement and contrasts two movement qualities.


    We will begin class with an introduction to dance and it’s importance. We will then define the 2 major components of dance, locomotor and non locomotor movements. Students will then learn how to do the Macarena. Before learning the dance we will warm up. The class will then move on to learning how to do the Macarena. There will be a step by step guide on how to do the dance. There is a picture for the visual learners along with a caption explaining the movement and I will also demonstrate it in person. After I will ask a volunteer to come up and recite the steps back to me. I will also ask the students to identify the locomotor movements and non locomotor movements in the dance. We will finish class by performing the dance all together.


    The assessment is the participation of doing the dance with the class at the end of the lesson and being able to correctly identify locomotor and non locomotor movements within the dance.


    Try to incorporate dance in your daily routines!

    Cross-Curriculum standards:

    In this lesson I could incorporate a history lesson by explaining the origins of the Macarena and talk about its spanish background and culture.


    There are videos and pictures for the visual learners, I will also be talking it out for the auditory learners, and we will be moving around and actually performing the dance for the kinesthetic learners.


    I will be using a power point slide to teach the lesson

    Writing component:

    The students can take notes on the bullet points so they can have the steps for future reference

    Carrer skills:

    Dance can be used in everyday life as a way to relax and destress. It is also a great form of exercise and has been proven to increase cognitive ability.


    Gia Kambouras

    TAL 324



    Competency Based Curriculum


    Volume II- Foreign Language

    Hatian Creole (Greek in this case)- Kindergarten


    Component: III. Writing/Language Mechanics 

    Objective: 6. Writes and recognizes own first and last name in manuscript lettering 

    Competency: B􏰀.  The student will demonstrate the ability to use writing for expression by:

    a􏰀)  recognizing and writing first and last name in manuscript;

    b􏰀)  developing/copying simple sentences/words using stereotyped models;

    c􏰀)  writing simple descriptions (a word,simple sentence) about a story/visual prompt􏰀



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