Every Kid Needs a Champion / Minilessons



Please write your reflection on Rita Pearson's speech.


Students' Work

TAL 324 G

Tyejohn Ward



Part I: Title


What is Basketball?


9th Grade

TyeJohn Ward


Part II: Date


Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Part III: Objective:


Students will be able to understand and follow the game of basketball after this lesson. Students will have more knowledge of basketball. 


IV. Standards (At least one Florida Standard)


(PE.A.2.3.4) Describe and demonstrate strategies utilized in selected team sports including: offensive and defensive play, position on court or field, and systems of play

V. Plan (Beginning, Middle and End)


a) Warm up: Stretching to smooth jazz music

b) Intro question: Ask if students are familiar with the sport of basketball and if they like watching the NBA

c) Lecture: Explain the background and rules of the team sport basketball

d) Activity: Presentation on history and background of basketball

f) Assessment: game of Kahoot based on PowerPoint presentation 


VI. Assessment


Game of Kahoot



VII. Homework


No homework!


VIII. Cross-Curriculum Standards


Students will be able to demonstrate appropriate game skills and strategies applied to selected team sports 






Students will watch presentation on projector screen


X. Careers Skills


Learning the game of basketball can be beneficial in students life especially if they are into sports. Knowing the rules and background of the game is essential


Kylie Accardi

TAL 324 Lesson Plan

Title: Synonyms and Antonyms
Subject: English
Grade level: 3rd Grade
Component: Reading/Literature
Objective: Students will be able to understand what synonyms and antonyms are and how to differentiate between them

Materials: Worksheet will be printed ahead of time, slides presentation

Warm Up (1 minute): introduce myself to the class and play a 1 minute meditation from headspace on Youtube. This will allow the students to settle into the environment and refocus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Ndym-IsQg

Class Lecture (8 minutes): Go through slides presentation that will include the definition of synonyms and antonyms. Ask students if they know what each is before sharing the answers. If they are wrong, be sure to thank them for participating so they feel comfortable sharing their ideas.

Activity (15 minutes): The first activity is a group activity that will cater to outgoing students who like to participate and have attention on them. Words will flash up on the board and students will yell out a synonym for that word. There are many correct answers so be sure to praise students for all their different ideas. The same will then be done for antonyms. Then we will move to the individual activity. The students will complete a worksheet on their own so students who like to do independent work can also get practice.

Assessment (5 minutes) After the students are finished with the worksheet we will go over it together as a class. Students will be encouraged to participate and share their ideas.

Homework: No homework

Cross Curriculum: English Language Arts and Critical Thinking strategies because the students will learn the definition of these terms but also how to differentiate them and use them in sentences.

Differentiation: Students with disabilities will be able to participate in the group activity or written activity whichever they feel most comfortable with. They will also get help from their peers if needed.

Technology: Students in 3rd grade probably won’t have a computer or phone. They can follow along with the presentation on the big screen.


Written Component: The worksheet incorporates a written component because students were asked to write their own sentence using 2 words that are antonyms.

Career skills: This lesson is a part of language arts and learning to read, write, and can help with reading comprehension. It can also help the students build a bigger vocabulary. These are necessary skills for students to have in almost any career.


TAL 324 

Lesson Plans

Isabella Palmeri

  • -  Pantomime: “a dramatic entertainment, originating in Roman mime, in which performers

    express meaning through gestures accompanied by music”

  • -  Warm-up: “Fill the Space – This game is helpful for special awareness and focus. Have the group all stand and start walking slowly and silently around the space. Encourage them not to walk in straight lines, but rather to weave in and out of each other. Ask them to speed up their walk and change directions. The goal is to keep their pace consistent and be aware of each other so as not to walk into anyone.”

  • -  Title: Grade 3, Theatre Arts

  • -  Component: III. Non-Verbal Communication (Pantomime)

  • -  Objective: 1. Demonstrates the ability to perform nonverbally using gestures. 5.

    Translates personal ideas and feelings into movements.

  • -  Competency: B. The student can communicate general physical characteristics and

    mood of a given character through movement by developing a pantomime in group


  • -  Materials: computer, paper, pen, plastic cups

  • -  Activity: Watch video, “Charlie Chaplin-The Lion’s Cage”:


    • -  Teaching drama without reading off a script, good for children who can’t read yet

    • -  Forces children to show not tell

  • -  Assessment: Write an activity on a piece of paper and place it in the cup. Choose a paper from the cup and act out the activity. Have your group members guess which activity you are doing.



 Ava Edwards

Lesson plan: The 5 Oceans
Subject: Geography
Grade: 3
Objectives: Teach the names and locations about the 5 main bodies of water, and encourage them to find a fun fact about each one to make it easier to remember them. 
Materials: Fill in the blank worksheet, powerpoint, video
Activity: Before the lesson, try to list the 5 oceans off the top of your head. After the lesson, with a partner, find a fun fact about each body of water and share with the class. 
Assessment: How many correct out of 5 on the fill in the blank worksheet. 

TAL 324 O

Hairui Deng

Volume I 
Subject: Music
Level: Elementary
Grade: 3rd grade
Component: I Music Literacy
Objective (s): Use any materials in the room to make up a rhythm or sounds with a pattern.
Competency: The student can produce short rhythmic patterns by observing the sounds surrounding them.
Materials: Any objects in the room that can make a sound. 
Activity: Students will form in groups of 4 by the teacher and introduce to each other why they choose this sound and show others the pattern they produced.
Assessment: Evaluate classmates’ sounds and give them feedback.
Warm-up: Mostly upper body exercises, such as head tilt, chin up and down, shoulder rolls, arm circles, and leg swings. Also one-minute meditation. The warm-up helps the student to get relaxed and prepare for the class by doing simple tasks at first. Then, students will do an ice break activity to get familiar with others. They will make a sound first and call another student’s name.
Hairui Deng


Haiming Hao


Title  Realistic painting
Course Subject
  Creative Drawing
Grade Level  Grade7
Teacher's Name
  Haiming Hao

Components and Materials


Drawing, understanding, Pen, and paper

III. Objective 

Being able to understand what others is drawing, and express what you think to others, or being able to draw.

This is about to train students’ creativity, and the abilities to understand other. Also, they are required to develop the skills to communicate, and know more about others.

IV. Standards 

Complete the activity, take part in and try your best

V. Plan 

At the very beginning of class, students have 30 seconds to draw base on their moods and what they feel. We will take this as attendance. Then we begin to play a spacial game which hopefully everyone can take part in.

The game is called you draw I guess. We will have 50% of the students draw, and the others guess. The first person is going to draw a picture based on an object. It could be anything, such as cars, buildings, cartoon characters, and even celebrities. Then, he/she is going to show, and only show his/her work to the next person. The next person is going to guess what the first one was drawing, and tell the third one what he/she thinks it is. Foe example, rockets. Now the third person is going to draw a rocket, and show it to the fourth. In this wya, everybody could take part in and devote their own wisdom.

By the end, students talk in groups, tell each other why he/she thinks the drawing is. This help them know more about each others.

VI. Assessment
Students are supposed to at least take part in and try their best. Any outcomes could be interesting if you devote yourself into it. Every one who take part in should be rewarded.


Manuel Tobal

1. Volume: III

2. Subject: The importance of engaging in team sports

3. Level: Senior

4. Grade: 10th Grade

5. Component: Physical Fitness

6. Objective (s): To inform students at a young age about the many benefits and opportunities that team sports provide, and how it can contribute to an individual’s personal growth.

7. Competency: Students can understand and give out clear examples of the reasons why team sports are important.

8. Materials: Lecture, YouTube educational video, discussion board

9. Activity: Watch YouTube video and ask students to comment on their personal experiences involving sports.

Warm-up: Carry out the warm up that we do in class, which is really good and involves neck and shoulder movements, which improves blood flow and gets you better prepared to concentrate for any activity.

 Activity: After warm-up, the topic will be introduced and later many ideas will be shown through a presentation in YouTube which is very clear explaining the main ideas. Later on, there will be a class discussion about this and the exit ticket will be writing conclusions in black board.

10. Assessment: For the assessment, I would like students to post what they have learned in discussion board.



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