The Workshop Report: Teaching Philosophy

Warm Up

Students write their philosophy of life in order to warm up to the articulation of their own teaching philosophy.



 The Workshop Report


Tyler, Christopher W.  Final Workshop Report: Art Creativity and Learning. National Science foundation, 2008.                                                                 



In which way do the arts are useful in the learning process?



Teaching Philosophy


 Source: Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement




After watching this video, write your teaching philosophy.
TAL 324 - O
Teaching Philosophy

 I believe teaching should always focus around a student-centered approach. I want to focus on benefiting the student in everything that happens in the classroom. Whether it is during a lesson, recess, or lunch, the environment around the students should be filled with positivity— starting from the teacher. This can spread to the students who will in turn be more positive around each other. Part of this student-centered approach includes not leaving any student behind. While children are going to be at different levels and respond in their own way to different teaching styles, it’s important to make sure that no one falls through the crack. Too often, students are pushed on to the next year for the next teacher to deal with, leaving that child without the skills they need for higher education and for life in general. These students are usually the ones that need more help and attention from their teachers. Teachers need to understand when their methods aren’t working for certain students. It’s important to get creative with teaching methods, such as incorporating the arts into lessons, to make sure each student is getting a well-rounded education. Every student, whether they excel easily or need extra encouragement, need to know that their teacher is always by their side to support them and wants to see them succeed. Being student-centered will create the safest environment for children to learn and be themselves in the classroom, which to me is the most important part of teaching. Emma C.

I would want to be the type of teacher students enjoy going to their class, and talk about how much they enjoy the class because the way it is taught. To become a teacher that students particularly like I would promote an individualized way of learning. I think long readings and long lectures can often be boring and disengaging for students, therefore, I would highlight discussions and short responses over exam and multiple choice quizzes. I think it is crucial for students to understand topics in a way they can discuss the topics, and not just regurgitate information as a multiple choice answer. Beyond my teaching style I want students to feel comfortable speaking, asking questions, and engaging with me when they are struggling. To achieve these teaching style goals I would have to emphasize a safe learning space with a growth-mindset. I would encourage my students to try and fail, rather than stay quiet and let someone who knows the answer every time answer questions. I would not want to be the teacher who calls on students, because personally I never liked when a teacher singled me out. However, I would want everyone to participate. I know this is harder to achieve in larger class, so I would preferably teach smaller class of young children. I would want to teach children because I think a positive teaching influence at a young age is important. If a student can become comfortable talking in class and engaging with the teacher and other students at a young age they, therefore, will likely be more apt to engage and participate as they age. Overall I want to promote a safe learning space where discussion and active learning is emphasized.  M.R.

My teaching philosophy I see as being directly connected to how I try and live my life. As a teacher I would try to keep every student engaged in what we are learning through allowing them to be themselves, be creative and have fun while learning. For me I find myself most excited and involved with what I am doing when I am simultaneously joking around while productively doing work and learning new things. I think finding a harmony between laughing with students and serious teaching is the most important part of creating a classroom environment that students are excited to be in. I feel that most students would be the most engaged and more energetic about kerning in a setting such as this and that is why this would be my teaching philosophy as well as a good outlook on life. Chris M.

My philosophy in life is “everything you do, do it with a smile,” and I implement this in my teaching philosophy. The first thing students must do before entering my class is have an attitude check, and enter with positivity. That way, we can utilize our time well. I strongly believe in creativity, collaboration, and innovation. A major part of my teaching philosophy is that group work and collaboration are key to learning and expanding our knowledge. When this occurs, students and teachers can learn from each other, as well as build on top of each other's ideas. Not only is group work more fun and engaging, but I believe it is the best way to learn. It makes students feel like they are not alone, their voice matters, and creates a fun and safe learning environment. Nick K.

 When creating a teaching philosophy you should consider your attitude, put in time and thought, and find something true to yourself.  My teaching philosophy would reflect my beliefs about life as well as what I want to convey as a teacher.  I believe that everyone should be honest with others but most importantly honest with themselves.  Something that is also important to me is positive vibes and laughter.  Learning should always have a positive connotation to it and students should be excited to learn and come to school.  Harsh pressure and fear only lessens confidence in my experience.  Students should also feel like the learning environment is a safe space to share ideas and grow together with their classmates free of judgement.  An honest, positive, and safe environment are key in creating the best space for growth and success! I will create this honest, positive, and safe environment while incorporating the arts in the classroom to enhance their creative thinking and problem solving.  Using colors, imagination, music, and movement, students will engage their brain and feel excited to learn material they may not initially be excited to learn about in the traditional way. Rachel R.


 TAL 324 - O

My teaching philosophy is to have an open and welcoming environment where everyone feels like they can speak their minds and be themselves. I would want children to feel comfortable in my classroom and use art to foster this open and comforting environment. For example, I would like to have a weekly painting or drawing break for children to release their emotions and express them freely. It is important for children to know that my classroom is a safe space for them. My high school was rigorous and very strict and not at all a place for people to express themselves. I believe this environment hindered the ability for children to discover who they are and open up about situations they may be working through. An environment where children feel heard, can express themselves, and have people that they can count on is essential to my teaching philosophy. P.P.

I feel like part of my teaching philosophy can be to help students learn/understand, the way that they learn, so they are able to feel more comfortable in their learning environment. A big part why student's have a hard time in the classroom is because they sometimes get frustrated because they are being taught in a way that does not work for them in the same way that it works for other students. If the teacher is able to early-on identify with the child the way that they learn, then the child will become more confident in their academics, and it can be a game changer in the long run for the future of that child. Understanding how you do something is one thing that can give students a great amount of confidence. There are many ways in which the arts are helpful when teaching and learning. Not every person learns the same way. Some people are able to learn straight from a lecture or textbook, while others need more of a visual or creative way of learning. Art is one way that students who do not traditionally learn might be able to learn the lesson to the same extent as the other students. It is also a way to make learning fun, which then makes students want to participate more. L.H.


  1. always give everything you do 100%

  2. Q1:1. Learning art can cultivate students' perseverance, attention and imagination, and improve their intelligence, especially their logical thinking ability.
    2. Art can improve children's self-enclosed character and mould their temperament. Can express their special emotions through art, can vent bad emotions.
    3. Students can improve their temperament and taste of life through learning and artistic performance, so that children can better control and regulate their own behavior.
    4. Art can regulate and relax your mood, thus enhancing your memory and learning ability.

    Q2:1. As a teacher, we should be clear about our identity and what we need to do. Have your own area of expertise.
    2. To be an honest teacher and take his work seriously, he must spend enough time to prepare his lessons. You should not rush into anything.
    3. Put yourself in the audience's shoes and imagine what you want to hear and see to make your lesson more convincing.
    As a teacher, you must be confident. Break through your own barriers and do your best. Like writer's block.
    5. Create a relaxed and free learning space for students, which will help them improve their innovation ability and become more interested in learning.


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